Live trading result on private chat server



I just wanted to let you know that I am blogging about my live trading on the private chat server

I just wanted to let you know that I am blogging about my live trading on the private chat server. I’m uncomfortable posting on public forums, including social media, discord, or telegram. Today’s censoring is quite offensive, resulting in account termination. As a result, I am promoting my technology with a third-party chat server that is private and anonymous. There is no tracking on this platform, so that you can communicate freely without concerns.

As I continue leveraging my daily news on this server, I curate into dedicated newsrooms based on technology, cryptocurrency, forex, commodity and macro event trading, and individual stock news. This gets updated multiple times daily while staying up for only 24 hours.

This is why I encourage folks to consume and engage here privately. Also, I leverage my membership content here as well.

Most of all, I am posting my live trading results here so people can keep up to date with the developments compared to the general S&P 500 market indices. As I stated before, I intended to generate alpha which builds value for all products and services I do.

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