NextDoor negative stock driven un KIND user reviews

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Nextdoor negative stock performance which operates a social network for thousands of neighborhoods across 11 countries.

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  • Strong negative user reviews of NextDoor hinder stock price long term
  • No upper momentum with no institutional buy recommendations
  • Change in upper management with take-over or stock activists might be needed to improve overall performance  is a company out of San Francisco, California, launched in 2008. Nextdoor negative stock performance which operates a social network for thousands of neighborhoods across 11 countries. This company appears unprofitable for the last year, with a rising user base of 21%. Considering there was a lockdown thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, this company would be highly profitable as people were home on the Internet during a lockdown. However, this company still needed better stock price performance and was unprofitable. Considering the amount of strongly negative reviews of user experience on this site, it is no wonder its financials reflect the reality of this company.

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