Quant trading purge begins today!

Picture of caustic


The actual quant trading purge from my quantlabs.net/blog is about to begin today.

The actual quant trading purge from my quantlabs.net/blog is about to begin today. As I have completed the purge on the quant-labs.net domain, I have gone from 600+ to 50 posts. This is to make my search engine optimization happy. As quantlabs.net/blog is over 12 years old, I have identified over 30000 content items that are about to be deleted today. This was mentioned in my quantlabs.info (private chat server) weeks ago, so I expect many older posts to be removed.  Again, this makes the search engine optimization results kept healthy to boost the website URL ranking. Also, note that recent event content will enter a schedule to remove any content posts WEEKLY that are raised as errors or warnings.

Thanks, Bryan  

PS. I posted the many reasons why I should be engaged on the private chat server.

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